Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First time away from Mommy

Saturday night Matt and I decided to have a date night. I love date nights. We always have fun and reconnect during those times. It's awesome. But Saturday came with a twist. It was the first time that I was going to be away from Eva since the day she was born! For those of you who do not know this that is a really hard thing for a first time mom to do. But I did it.

We left Eva with Matt's parents. They were so excited. Eva is their first grandchild so everything is new and exciting for them too. As we pulled up into the driveway of their house I told Matt we needed to make a quick get away or I would be leaving her. He must of took me serious because we could still feel the air conditioning in the car when we got back in. We went to Chili's for dinner. We chose Chili's because they weren't very busy and we could get in and out quicker than other places. I never called to check on her but I did check my phone several times through dinner to make sure they hadn't called. I knew they would call if there was a problem. We tried not to talk about Eva too much because I would get antsy and emotional. I missed her even though we weren't gone that long.

When we finally started home I was so ready to see my baby girl. We walked in the door and she was laying happily in Grandma's arms. I know it was a good thing that Matt and I had time together and we are going to keep that up. But leaving your child for the first time is hard and I'm so glad that is over :-)